Anna Jones Anna Jones

Newsletter - Friday, February 7th

Welcome to the Spring 2025 Season!

I was so pleased to see you all on Monday and think we are going to have a fantastic season! Please expect this newsletter to come weekly on Fridays for the following Monday.

ANNOUCEMENT: ALL PRACTICE TRACKS ARE NOW LIVE ON THE MEMBER PORTAL - The password is: sing (4 letters - all lowercase). Here is the link: To find the tracks, click the link, enter ‘sing’ as the password, and then click on the + sign to the right of the “Practice Tracks - Spring 2025” menu item. You can look at them by song or part. You can also see the member directory and the FAQ here.

ANNOUNCEMENT: At rehearsal, we will have the final 3 pieces of music for you to add to your folder:

  1. Turn the World Around

  2. let me listen

  3. All of Me

REMINDER: This coming Monday 2/10 and Monday 2/24 there is registration from 5:00-6:30pm. If you know anyone who might like to sing, please help us spread the word or bring them along.

Rehearsal starts at 6:30pm

Here are the songs Kim plans to rehearse on Monday, February 10th

  • Come in Peace - review solo at beginning, and pitches on pg. 6; then run whole piece with accompaniment

  • The Times They are A-Changin'

    Play parts for whole piece. (We might only get up to m. 41)

  • Hope is a Thing With Feathers

    I'll play recording- and talk about the rhythm - 

    Play parts - we may only get up to m. 49


  • Let Me Listen

    I will play the recording

    We will learn parts from pu to m 36 to the end

  • Turn the World Around

    Parts for pp 1 - 8

  • All of Me

    I will play the recording

    play parts m. 66 to the end

    and probably end with m. 1 - 9 of Bridge

  • Bridge Over Troubled Water

NOTE: There is NO REHEARSAL on Monday, February 17th. Late Registration is Monday, February 24th.

Remember, this year the dress rehearsal is Tuesday, June 10th in the evening and the concert is on Thursday, June 12th at 7pm (call time likely 5pm but TBA). Please add these dates to your calendar. It’s going to be a good one… Excited to sing with you all!

Yours Truly,

Anna Jones

MCC Executive Director

Midcoast Community Chorus
P.O. Box 192
Rockport, Maine 04856

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