Frequently Asked Questions, Spring 2025
Question: When should I come to rehearsal?
Answer: Doors open at 5:30pm, so please feel free to come early if you need time to prepare. Rehearsal begins promptly at 6:30pm. If being late is unavoidable, please enter and find your seat quietly. Times for sectionals, solo auditions, and potlucks are noted on the schedule.
Question: What is the attendance policy?
Answer: Attendance is taken at every rehearsal and regular attendance is expected. Every chorus member is allowed up to three absences from regular weekly rehearsals. Chorus members who miss more than three rehearsals may be allowed to continue that season at the discretion of the Artistic Director. If you are going to be absent, please contact your section leader. If you will need to miss more than three rehearsals for work, health, or family reasons, please communicate with Anna Jones at to discuss. The goal is to keep you singing! Attendance at dress rehearsal is required if you wish to perform in the concert.
Question: What should I bring to rehearsal?
Answer: For every rehearsal you should bring your music, a pencil, a bottle of water, and your name tag. Please note that non-water liquids and snack foods are prohibited in the sanctuary.
Question: What about rehearsal cancellations?
Answer: We will only cancel a rehearsal in the event of hazardous conditions. If a rehearsal is canceled, you will receive an email message by 3:00 PM on the day of rehearsal.
Question: What can I do with the sheet music that’s in my folder?
Answer: Please remember that this music has been loaned to you; it belongs to the chorus’s library. You may use pencil, removable highlighter tape, or post-it notes to help you remember the Artistic Director’s instructions, but your music must be returned in the condition in which you received it. Please do not fold, punch holes, or use tape or staples on your music. If you lose your music, please see music librarian Jean Slobodzian to get a replacement copy. Be aware that you may be charged the replacement fee of $30 if your original folder is not found before the end of the season. If you selected the option to purchase your sheet music at the beginning of the semester, you may mark it at your discretion EXCEPT FOR the individual pieces that have been loaned to us (noted on the schedule).
Question: What should I do when it’s not my turn to sing?
Answer:. Please sit quietly, remain actively engaged with the music, and follow the Director’s instructions. If you have a question, please raise your hand.
Question: What is the chorus policy regarding visitors?
Answer: During the first few weeks of every chorus rehearsal season, we invite all community members to try us out. After that, please contact Anna Jones if you need to arrange for a visitor.
Question: Where do I get a black folder for the concert?
Answer: MCC will lend professional quality black folders to all members before the concert. Each folder is numbered and checked out to you and must be returned in good shape immediately following the concert. Do not use any tape or labels on the binders or mark them in any way.
Question: How do I keep up to date with music changes and new information?
Answer: Always check the sign-in table! An email newsletter will be sent out on a weekly basis. You can also ask your section leader. You can also check the MEMBER PORTAL on the website at The password is: sing
Question: I have more questions. Who should I ask?
Answer: If you have a question that isn’t addressed here, please be in touch!
Musical questions should be addressed to your section leader. They are:
Alto - Lucia Elder
Bass - Ted Long
Soprano - Betty Long
Tenor - Greg Marley
Send organizational questions to Executive Director Anna Jones at
Send policy questions to Board Chair James Cook at
To contact fellow singers for rideshares, please check the directory on the portal.
You can also read the newsletter and look at the member portal at The password is: sing (all lowercase)
Question: What else can I do to support the Midcoast Community Chorus?
Answer: There is lots you can do!
Recruit new singers!
Make an additional donation!
Join the board or a committee - or volunteer to help with one of our fundraising initiatives.
Help sell ads for our concert program!
Hang posters for the concert!
Sell and buy concert tickets!
Spread the word about the concert by telling everyone you know, sending emails, and by sharing on social media -but most importantly…
Have fun and share your voice!
With your help, we will all have a fun and inspiring time singing together this season. Thank you!